In less than a year’s time, I had miscarried a baby boy halfway through the pregnancy; found out I was pregnant again a couple of […]
When the baby was about three weeks old, I got a call from the Emergency Department of a hospital in a neighboring county. My brother […]
Mom Body
When I met my (now ex) husband my Freshman year of college, I had a cute little figure that fit nicely into size 2 to […]
Hope Shaken
After two nights in the hospital, the baby and I were cleared to go home. I was still in a lot of pain but able […]
Hope Deferred
I have no great explanation for why I held on to hope for so long. Maybe it was the huge amount of confidence I had […]
With A Little Help From My Friends
My best friend told me once that she struggled with why God allowed us to come to her community and church if it was going […]
Handling the Hurt
The grief I held in and hid from the kids all those months spilled out while they sat with me on the floor the day […]
I had accepted that I was going to have to let him leave. It was what he wanted, and it was killing me to live […]
Even If
We visited a church in a neighboring town up until the Sunday my husband left. At first, I was so proud of him for keeping […]
I was determined from the day the news went public that I did not want to act in a way that would hurt my own […]